Whats going on?!

Many kids each and every day aren’t cooking or eating the right foods. In some countries children that are over weight are considered being healthy. In the U.S, children that are obese are considered overweight and unhealthy. Many children don’t exercise or eat the right foods which can cause them to gain weight, or maintain an unhealthy weight. Parents can help children loose weight by also eating healthy meals along with their children. Obesity can cause low self esteem for children because there are children that are smaller than them, or they may be teased because of their weight. Obesity is specifically caused by an imbalance between food and consumption energy.My motivation for helping this cause is that i think its wrong that children at a young age are dieing or getting diseases because they contain an obese weight. This can be prevented if parents will take charge and watch what they give their children to eat.("Jamie Oliver")